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Please note that agenda may be subject to change as we get closer to the meeting.

(Revised 6/11/24)

2024 AVAHO Abstract Submission Instructions

Please review the following instructions carefully as you prepare your abstract.  Changes have been made.

Abstracts are not to not exceed 350 words, excluding title.  Titles should not exceed 300 characters.  Authors’ names and institutions are not be included in the title or abstract but are to be submitted elsewhere in the submission.

Authors must identify which category is appropriate for their abstract.  The following categories of abstracts are permitted for submission:

  • Research (e.g., clinical trials, laboratory studies, translational studies, descriptive studies, qualitative studies)
  • Quality Improvement Projects and Initiatives
  • Program Initiatives (e.g., workforce, infrastructure, workflow)
  • Clinical Practice (e.g., best clinical practice exemplar, case study, disease management, palliative care (non-research), survivorship (non-research), symptom management (non-research)
  • Projects in Progress (project that is currently in the middle of its development phase or process. This includes projects that are currently being planned, implemented, created, or reviewed. Note that these abstracts may be subject to a different criteria and may not be eligible for publication)

Be sure to select the correct category for your abstract as it will be reviewed based on criteria for that category!

Illustrations, tables or bullet points are not permitted in the abstract.

The following criteria will be used to score the abstracts.  Ensure you address each criterion in your abstract!

Research, Quality/Program Initiative Abstracts must address each of the following areas:

  • Purpose of the project
  • Relevant background – why is this a problem? What does the literature tell us?
  • Methods - what did you do to conduct the study/project?
  • Data analysis – what statistical tests were used?
  • Results – what did the data reveal?
  • Implications – how might these data be used to change practice or guide further research?
  • Significance - what impact do these findings provide to others? VHA?

Clinical Practice Abstracts must address each of the following areas:

  • Clinical situation is relevant to the audience
  • Thorough description of the clinical presentation or situation
  • Synthesis of relevant literature
  • Description of intervention(s) provided
  • Outcome of the intervention/situation
  • Implications for practice (clinical/administrative) – do the conclusions stem from the results
  • Significance - What is the significance of this clinical presentation to the audience? What impact does it have?

Remember:  Each abstract will be graded based on the extent each of the above criteria were met.  Any omission will result in a lower score.


  • An author may submit no more than three abstracts; each author may serve as primary author on only one abstract.
  • At least one author must be an AVAHO member in good standing.
  • Abstracts must be free from commercial bias; promotional abstracts will not be accepted. Data from for-profit or industry sources are not permitted.
  • Accepted abstracts will be presented as an e-Poster.
  • There will be one general e-poster session this year with accepted e-poster presenters to discuss their e-poster with members.
  • All authors of accepted abstracts will be required to record their poster presentation which will be available to members. (AVAHO staff will assist with this process)
  • All authors of accepted abstracts will be required to complete a disclosure form as delineated on the abstract submission form.
  • All abstracts are scored by a blind-review process, using the criteria delineated above.

Please contact Sue Lentz at or call 206-794-9124 with any questions.

REMEMBER: All abstracts must be submitted by 11:59 PM, PST, Friday, June 14, 2024. This is a firm deadline. NO extensions!

Examples of Abstracts

AVAHO is providing examples of abstracts that were submitted in 2022 that received a high score. Each category was provided to help you when preparing your submission.

Program Initiatives
Clinical Practice
Quality Improvement


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  • Only current AVAHO members can attend (500 limit)
  • You must have your 2024 dues paid prior to registration
  • Your registration will be reviewed and once approved, you will receive further instructions on travel
  • Only those with badges will be allowed to participate in AVAHO activities
  • A Virtual Attendee option will be made available for those not able to join in person 
travel icon


  • Travel is available for AVAHO non-industry members. Due to legal requirements, travel information is located in a protected area of this website. Please sign in as a member and select "resources" in the InfoHub to locate this information. If you have any questions with login, please contact Candy — 
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We will be offering the following continuing education (CE) credits:

  •  ACCME for Physicians
  •  ACPE for Pharmacists
  •  ANCC for Nurses
  •  ASWB for Social Workers
  •  NAACCR for Cancer Registrars
  •  APA for Psychologists
  •  CDR for Dietitians/Nutrition
  • All others will receive a Certificate of Attendance

If you miss the annual meeting, we will offer CE credits for 1 full year afterwards.

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