Those who serve deserve the best of our service. Your sponsorship makes that possible.
In addition to its dedicated members, AVAHO's success is due to substantial support from industry partners who are committed to providing Veterans with exceptional cancer care.
We greatly appreciate our partners for their continued support in providing our members with educational and networking opportunities.
Why Partner with AVAHO?
AVAHO's members represent a significant portion of the professionals within VA oncology and hematology. Sponsorship increases your visibility, relationships and competitive edge with these professionals.
Your sponsorship, exhibition, and partnership with AVAHO provides important educational opportunities and resources to the professionals who care for Veterans with cancer and hematological disorders. You help them discover best practices, develop treatment protocols, and work with community providers and companies to provide the best treatment plan for patients.
In addition to professional development opportunities for VA and community-based healthcare professionals, your partnership is key in helping AVAHO advocate for the best resources and opportunities for VA employees and their patients, and helps build our nonprofit Foundation to identify and utilize the best research and treatment options for veterans.
Benefits of Support:
Company visibility and access to hematology/oncology professionals working with Veterans
Support collaboration and networking of various VA hematology and oncology professionals to provide high quality patient care for our nation’s Veterans
Build relationships with key leaders in hematology/oncology
Ensure that professionals who provide ongoing care to Veterans with cancer and hematologic disorders have the best information, professional networks and clinical knowledge to provide the highest quality of care to Veterans.
Are you a Nonprofit?
AVAHO recognizes the importance of the participation of nonprofit patient advocacy and support organizations at our annual meeting. The eligibility for and availability of this exhibit space are at AVAHO’s discretion. AVAHO also recognizes the need for diversity in sponsorship. A select number of sponsorships will be reserved to provide start-up, emerging and small companies the opportunity to serve as a sponsor.
2025 Annual Meeting Opportunities

The AVAHO Annual Meeting is an opportunity for VA oncological and hematological professionals and community partners providing cancer care for veterans to network, learn, and develop best practices for veteran health. Sponsorship at this meeting increases your visibility and relationships with medical professionals.
Your sponsorship ensures the professionals who provide ongoing care to veterans with cancer and hematological disorders have the best information, professional networks, and clinical knowledge to provide the highest quality of care and treatment to veterans.
For more information please contact our Industry Relations Director, JoAnn Wahl.
September 12-14, 2025
The 2025 AVAHO Annual Meeting will be held at the Arizona Grand Resort and Spa. Get your 2025 Industry Prospectus (including Annual Meeting details) here.
Registration will open March 1, 2025.
Regional Meeting Opportunities
Regional meetings are a one-day, locally-focused meeting for AVAHO members and clinicians serving veterans with cancer and hematological disorders. All disciplines in the cancer care process are welcome.
2025 Topics include:
- Hepatocellular Carcinoma
- Renal Cell/GU Malignancies
- Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Dates, locations, and venues will be announced soon.
For more information please contact our Industry Relations Director, JoAnn Wahl.
Available Sponsorships
Booth Sponsor: $3,000
This sponsorship provides a 6-ft table and 2 chairs for your representatives. Electricity available upon request. Booths are limited to 15 to allow maximum interaction with attendees. Booth sponsors are provided two (2) complimentary tickets to the event. Sponsors are welcome to bring promotional materials to distribute to attendees.
Symposia Sponsor: $15,000
This sponsorship is an opportunity for a presentation during the lunch event at each regional meeting. The topic should be complementary to the theme of the regional meeting.
2025 Regional Meetings