2025 Exhibitor Information

AVAHO would like to invite you to exhibit at our upcoming Regional Meeting regarding Myelodysplastic Syndromes on March 29, 2025 in Kansas City, MO. Regional meetings are a one-day, locally-focused meeting for AVAHO members and clinicians serving veterans with cancer and hematological disorders. All disciplines in the cancer care process are welcome.
NON-CE SYMPOSIA SPONSOR — Applications Now Open!

Online Exhibitor Registration begins on March 1, 2025
Exhibit space and additional sponsorships are available on a first-come/first-serve basis.
Thank you for your interest in exhibiting at our 2025 Annual Meeting! More information will be updated on this page in the coming months. Our 2025 Exhibitor Prospectus, LOR, and W-9 can be found in the Quick Links section to the right.
Meeting Information

AVAHO is excited to celebrate its 20th Annual Meeting in 2025! In recognition of this milestone, we are hosting this year’s meeting at the Arizona Grand Resort and Spa in Phoenix, Arizona. We will have new industry engagement activities and spaces, utilizing the wide selection of indoor and outdoor spaces at the Resort. We encourage sponsor registration early to ensure your spot.
Arizona Grand Resort & Spa
8000 S. Arizona Grand Parkway
Arizona 85044
Room reservation booking information will be available early 2025 for confirmed Exhibitors only. Please check back later.
Sponsorship Information
The AVAHO Annual Meeting is an opportunity for VA oncological and hematological professionals and community partners providing cancer care for veterans to network, learn, and develop best practices for veteran health. Sponsorship at this meeting increases your visibility and relationships with medical professionals.
Your sponsorship ensures the professionals who provide ongoing care to veterans with cancer and hematological disorders have the best information, professional networks, and clinical knowledge to provide the highest quality of care and treatment to veterans.
Please note that benefits and information are subject to change at AVAHO's discretion.
Sponsorship packages by level include:
All sponsor benefits
- Invitation to attend any of the general sessions except as noted on the program
- Meals — AVAHO breakfast, lunch and break-time snacks included
- Ticket to Welcome Reception for each registered representative
- Logo by level on signage in registration area
- Logo display on slideshows in all meeting rooms
- Company profile on the Whova App, available for 6 months following conference
- Recognition in the conference program (printed and digital)
Non-profit sponsors — All sponsor benefits, plus:
- One 6-ft table and 2 chairs
- 2 complimentary staff badges
Bronze sponsors — All sponsor benefits, plus:
- One 6-ft table and 2 chairs
- 2 complimentary staff badges
Silver sponsors — All sponsor benefits, plus:
- One 10x10 display -- includes one 6-ft table and 2 chairs
- 4 complimentary staff badges
- One complimentary mention in a daily update during the week of the meeting
Gold Sponsors — All sponsor benefits, plus:
- One 10x15 display -- includes two 6-ft tables and 4 chairs
- 6 complimentary staff badges
- Registration bag insert (company promotional item - subject to approval. Maximum one insert per company, no larger than 14 inches and 4 oz. each)
- Sponsor logo by level on large banners (located in general meeting areas)
Platinum Sponsors — All sponsor benefits, plus:
- One 10x20 display -- includes two 6-ft tables and 4 chairs
- 8 complimentary staff badges
- Up to 2 promotional items in the registration bag per company
- Recognition ad in Conference Program (1/4 page)
- Kickboxing Event Sponsor -- logo placement for T-shirt, signage, etc. benefiting AVAHO‘s designated charity (2025 charity TBD)
Titanium Sponsors — All sponsor benefits, plus:
- One 10x20 display -- includes two 6-ft tables and 4 chairs
- 10 complimentary staff badges
- Sponsorship of the 2025 Welcome Reception
- Up to 3 promotional items in the registration bag per company
- Recognition ad in conference program (1/2 page)
- Exclusive benefits based on availability (such as private hospitality rooms)
Platinum and Titanium sponsors may choose ONE of the following benefits as part of their sponsorship package at no additional cost. These are available on a first-come/first-serve basis with registration.
- Lanyard Sponsor — 1 available
- Your company logo on conference lanyard ($4,000 value)
- Technology Sponsor — 3 available
- Your logo appears on the home page of the Whova app and in AVAHO member app ($7,500 value)
- WiFi Sponsor — 1 available
- Your company name is the conference‘s WiFi password ($5,000 value)
- Poster Session Kiosk Sponsor — 3 available
- The Poster Session will be available throughout the conference on electronic kiosks. Your company logo appears on the signage. ($4,000 value per kiosk)
Virtual Sponsors — Non-Exhibiting benefits:
Non-exhibiting companies may register virtually to upload company profile, videos, and materials onto AVAHO's Virtual Conference App. All attendees are encouraged to download the Whova meeting app to participate in the 2024 meeting. This app allows open-forum communication between all attendees and sponsors.
Add-On Opportunities
These sponsorship opportunities are limited and are available on a first-come/first serve basis upon registration. There is an additional fee to support these tactics regardless of exhibitor status.
- Registration Bag Sponsorship ($7,500/ limit 2 companies): The sponsor’s company logo will be printed on high quality attendee bags.
- Registration Bag Inserts ($3,000 per piece/ limit 2 per company): Exhibitors may provide literature to each conference attendees that will be included in the registration bags. Materials maximum of four pages and/or 4-oz insert; premium charges may apply if exceeded.
- Charging Stations ($5,000 per station/ limit 2 companies): AVAHO will secure seating area(s) that highlight your brand name and provide participants a place to charge a variety of devices.
- Headshots Sponsor ($6,000/ limit 1 company): Professional headshots for AVAHO annual meeting attendees.
- Keycards ($7,500/ limit 1 company): All AVAHO guests will receive room keys with sponsor's design.
- T-shirt sponsor ($2,000): Your company logo will appear on the official AVAHO 2024 conference t-shirt.
- Mid-Day Product Theaters ($50,000): AVAHO will consider a limited number of product theaters in 2025. Applications will be available in January 2025. All applications are reviewed and selected by AVAHO’s Education Committee. Please email JoAnn@avaho.org for more information.
Discretionary Sponsorships
AVAHO recognizes the importance of the participation of nonprofit patient advocacy and support organizations at our annual meeting. The eligibility for and availability of this exhibit space are at AVAHO’s discretion. AVAHO also recognizes the need for diversity in sponsorship. A select number of sponsorships will be reserved to provide start-up, emerging and small companies the opportunity to serve as a sponsor.
Additional Information
Please note that there are limits on the number of people from industry that may attend the meeting. Badges are provided according to sponsorship level. A limited number of additional badges may be purchased per company based upon sponsorship level. You must be an exhibiting company to attend the meeting. We will not be selling any individual badges. All IRC members are welcome with registration. Please work as a team to select the right attendees from your company.
Check out our Industry Opportunities page, which contains additional information regarding partnering with AVAHO.
For any questions or concerns not covered here, please e-mail our Industry Relations Director, JoAnn Wahl.
Exhibit Hall Game
To increase traffic and meaningful conversations with attendees, we have changed the exhibit hall break game! We received lots of positive feedback and suggestions for improvement after our 2024 meeting, and we are so excited to continue this new tradition for 2025!
A downloadable PDF is available here and a physical copy will be available at the annual meeting.
Rules and information are subject to change leading up to the 2025 annual meeting.